Find Me, Published! Now it really starts…

Loving the beach, but the attention makes me shy

I have a stunning, genre-perfect cover, and a story and text that has been refined and crafted within an inch of its life.  I love my characters, sincerely.  I love their journey.  I think some other people out there will too.  So I’ve thrown my hat into the ring, and my heart is full. Now begins the next part of my journey, closely tied to the journey Skye and Hunter, and Morgan and Ethan and all the rest must take.  Mine will be crafting theirs, and alerting the world to their existence.

Traditional vs digital: letting go the dream, or making a new one real?

Some writers write for the sake of writing, never intending to share their work.  I truly love writing and every part of the process.  But I write to find readers as much as for love of the journey, creating something for them to read.  

The long haul (are you a slow writer?)

As a writer who has taken six years from conception to completion of her first novel, I’m a little (massively) out of step with the prolific output of many of the talented writers publishing eBooks in the current marketplace. My ‘bible’ for the publishing side of this venture is Let’s Get Digital by David Gaughran.… Continue reading The long haul (are you a slow writer?)