The idea of living comfortably or even well from our craft is just a dream for many of us.
Traditional vs digital: letting go the dream, or making a new one real?
Some writers write for the sake of writing, never intending to share their work. I truly love writing and every part of the process. But I write to find readers as much as for love of the journey, creating something for them to read.
The long haul (are you a slow writer?)
As a writer who has taken six years from conception to completion of her first novel, I’m a little (massively) out of step with the prolific output of many of the talented writers publishing eBooks in the current marketplace. My ‘bible’ for the publishing side of this venture is Let’s Get Digital by David Gaughran.… Continue reading The long haul (are you a slow writer?)
Dreamer vs Day job
This is something many of us creatives struggle with: All I want to do is write/paint/act/sing, why can’t I do just that? Why am I trapped in a job that is NOT my dream/calling?
Brave new world
The world of social media is not new to most people, and for self-published authors is generally accepted as an essential part of sharing their writing with the wide world. It is new to me, and it is scary, exciting and mind blowing. I feel like I’m making a bunch of new friends who might… Continue reading Brave new world
First steps
This has been a long journey, as closely tied up with overcoming extremely difficult circumstances, as with pursuing the dreams all writers share – finding readers to share our words and vision.
The Journey Begins
Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton